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About IRC Arabic Academy

Islamic Belief

Islam is not only a belief system but a complete code, which guarantees success and salvation in this life and hereafter. Every Muslim must lead a life as desired by our Creator Allah (May he be praised and exalted) and as taught by the last and final Prophet Muhammad ﷺ (Peace be upon him). As every child is (Amanah) trust from Allah, Providing The best Islamic Education is an obligation for each parent.

Islamic Values

These Islamic values, knowledge of the Quran and Sunnah, and examples of our pious predecessor (salaf e saliheen) play a key role in the development of the personality, mindset, and attitude of the child. With the same objectives, IRC has initiated the IRC Arabic Academy. We strive to inculcate Islamic values in our upcoming generation.

Islamic Education

The children are nurtured with Islamic education in a stress-free environment, a fun learn approach, and age-appropriate authentic content are provided using modern technology backed by research. The kids can enjoy fun based way of learning backed up by videos, quizzes, games, etc.

founder ircarabicacademy

IRC Arabic Academy Runs Under Islamic Research Centre Education & Welfare Trust.

Founder - Adv. Faiz Syed

The Founder & President of IRC, is an internationally acclaimed Indian Islamic speaker, intellectual, and educationalist. With over 2000 Urdu lectures to his credit (which are usually followed by open Q & A sessions), he is an influential figure amongst today’s Muslim youth, spouses, parents, and educationalists - who aim to lead this life successfully, simultaneously preparing for their Aakhirah.

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Our Subjects

Read Quran
students activities

Who is Best Amongst us?

The Prophet ﷺ (peace be upon him) said The best among you are those who learn the Qur'an and teach it. (Sahih al-Bukhari 5027) In this Read Quran class, the focus is on the correct recitation of the Quran with Tajweed. The aim is to make Quran the light of the hearts and to strengthen the bond with the Words Of Allah (Connecting chord to your Lord, the QURAN). The young minds are trained to read Quran and other Arabic texts with correct pronunciation and beautiful voices.

Learn Islam
play way method

The Main Focus in Learn Islam

class that to enable the learner to understand the correct Islamic belief (Aqeedah) and practice the Islamic obligation (Faraiz), Prophetic Manner ( Sunnah), etc. in a practical and interactive way.

Etiquettes of Life
play way method

Modern Education System

has been successful up to a certain extend in developing our skills and intellect but moral values are declining. Cut-throat competition, social media addiction, prank culture etc has converted our kids and youth into non emphatic self-centred individuals who have the least concern for society. Here we are focusing on developing self-disciplined and virtuous individuals. The kids are taught to honor and respect, give due rights to their parents, neighbors, relatives, and friends, and are trained to have concern for every creation of Allah be it Plants, Animals, or any other element in the light of the Quran and Sunnah.

What Makes us Special ?

Our Syllabus

Qaida, Nazera Quran, Tajweed, Quran Memorization, Hadith Memorization, Azkaar, Dua-e-Masoora, Akhlaqiyat, Namaz & Wudu Practice, Urdu Language, Urdu Speech, Islamic Knowledge.

Well Trained Faculty

Experienced Teachers, Examination Followed By Result, Monthly Progress Report, Certificate After Completion Of Qaida, Nazera Quran & Tajweed

Quality Education

Free Syllabus and Bag, No Admission Fee, No Donation Fee, No Vacation Fee (Pay Only For 10 Months In a Year), and Limited Seats, For Boys & Girls.

Advanced System

Biometric Attendance System, CCTV Surveillance, Inverter Backup, Parent Teacher Meeting.

Our Course

A Course To Help Your Child To Recite The Qur'an With Excellence Along With Islamic Learnings.

Class Details

Three Levels
Najm | Qamar | Shams
Individual focus on every student Tajweed as per international standards.
Age group.
Girls: 06 to 14 Year & Boys: 06 to 10 Year

Learn With Fun

Our Syllabus


Read Quran

IRC Aasaan Qaidah

Total Downloads:

Learn Islam

Learn Islam - Najm

Total Downloads:

Etiquettes of Life

Etiquettes of Life - Najm

Total Downloads:


Urdu Workbook


Read Quran

Al Quran ul Kareem Mushaf e Uthmani Script

Al Qaidah An Nooraniyyah

Furqaan Group for Education & IT (Saudi Arabia)

Learn Islam

Learn Islam - Qamar

Total Downloads:

Etiquettes of Life

Etiquettes of Life - Qamar

Total Downloads:


Urdu Workbook


Read Quran

Al Quran ul Kareem Mushaf e Uthmani Script

Al Qaidah An Nooraniyyah

Furqaan Group for Education & IT (Saudi Arabia)

Learn Islam

Learn Islam - Shams

Total Downloads:

Etiquettes of Life

Etiquettes of Life - Shams

Total Downloads:


Urdu Book


This syllabus is designed by IRC Arabic Academy team under the guidance of Adv. Faiz Syed, you can download and use this syllabus, our syllabus is copyright free and available for use by any person or institution. This is its first render soon updates will be there so we request you to always check for updated version before use.
If you find any mistake or issue in the syllabus please contact us on Academy's contact number we will be obliged for your help.
Jazakallahu Khair
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IRC Arabic Academy

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Adv. Faiz Syed